
April 4, 2014

The High School Transcript

The high school transcript is an official document detailing a student's academic record. The transcript includes a list of courses, grades, GPA, credits, and test scores, along with an overview of honors, awards, and extracurricular activities.

An Official Transcript Form

In order to prepare transcripts for our homeschool, the internet was searched extensively and all pertinent information was compiled and organized into a concise two-page document. This form was used successfully in the college admissions process. You are welcome to utilize these blank copies of the form that we used.
High School Transcript Form - pdf

High School Transcript Form - doc

The Transcript as a Planning Tool

A blank transcript form may be used as a handy high school planning tool. Pencil in your student's required and elective courses for each year. Be sure to check state homeschooling requirements and possible college admission requirements.

Maintaining a Transcript

  • Maintaining a transcript can be accomplished easily by updating the document on a regular basis. 
  • At the end of each quarter or semester during high school, transfer grades from report cards to the transcript (or simply add the grades to the transcript if your homeschool does not use report cards) and assign credits earned.
  • Several resume entries relating to a similar activity or topic may be condensed into a single line on the transcript. For example, if on the resume several entries relate to 4-H, they may be condensed into one line on the transcript, such as "2010-2014  4-H Club".
  • Record the highest test score obtained for each type of test.
  • A transcript should not exceed two pages in length; therefore, adjust font sizes, page margins, and table settings as needed.
  • Keep a transcript for each student with your homeschool's permanent records. 

College and Scholarships

The student's high school transcript is typically required for college admissions and scholarship applications. When applying to some colleges and universities, the Common Application is used. Having an up-to-date transcript will make the task relatively easy to transfer the required information to the online forms.

You Can Do This!

Yes, you can compile an official high school transcript for your homeschooled student. 
  • Download and/or print out a blank transcript form.
  • Begin editing text and filling it in.
  • Update the transcript on a regular basis.
  • Customize the transcript according to your needs and preferences.

Sample Transcripts

The Home Scholar
Mary Baldwin College
Home School Incorporated
Eclectic Homeschool Online

Related Links

Donna Young

Oklahoma Homeschool
7 Sisters

Extra Tip

Compile an elementary and/or middle school transcript for a younger student as a way to practice for preparing the high school transcript... and to document your student's early academic years as well.